Design is everywhere. But specially here :)

About me
I had born in ancient Pergamon city in Turkey at 1993. Then I studied in the same place unless university. I have gone to Denizli/Turkey for International Trading Business School pre-bachelor education at 2011. I graduated at 2014 from this business school. Then I decided to prepare fine arts university, graphic design profession.
At 2016, I started my graphic design education at Mugla University Fine Arts Faculty in Bodrum/Turkey. I have graduated at 2020. Then I wanted to keep my education on master's degree. I won master degree right in same university into Graphic Design field at 2021. I have take my master degree at 2024 with thesis on graphemology.
So, today I am working in Izmir/Turkey being graphic designer essipecially on logo, typography, visual identity and poster. Also I gave few artşcles on art and design into national area.