Yol Buffet
I designed logo and pictograms for the road house. I wanted a warm impression on the side of a long, cold road. Pictograms are created unique style of ''Yol Büfe'' identity.
Also I designed short versions of this logo. Because it could use into phone application or cardvisits being smaller at next times.
I think this work have been succesfull because sellected for 41th Turkey Graphic Design Exhibition.
I designed visual identity for my self. Firstly I maked free and passionate logo.
Logo have 3 birds are flying for symbolize freedom:
Big bird is creativity, middle bird is art, small bird is design.
Also I used three color into logo:
Navy blue is deep thinking, purple is passionate craft, pink is pleasurable result.
Also I designed short variations of this logo for more smaller use into mobile applications, social media profile picture or cardvisid.
Typography is absolutely important for unique visual identitiy. So, I designed two main typfaces for use on any media. One of them Caps font for headlines etc. Other font for main texts like paragraph etc.
Also I created 7 main illustrative symbol for reflect my professions. I am putting to right up side of my work review pages of these symbols by work sorts.
Then, I designed youtube thumbnail and instagram story pattern for identity keep.
Kuşatmalar Kuşandım
Few students of Bodrum Fine Arts Faculty in Turkey, created the art and literature group. I was one of them being founder. Firstly I designed amblem for the group. I symbolized human creativity, sins and life with snake figure, reference creation saga of Adam&Eve. Then I combined this amblem with typography of group name ''I Sieged of Sieges''.
I think this emblem were plain and pictographic at same time.
Also I designed the magazine cover and pages for these students poem, stories and essays. This magazine were weekly in faculty.
Beside of publishing, I designed social media post mold for digital media like instagram or youtube.
Then, I founded youtube channel for exhibition, seminar, theatre performance and poem vocalzation videos.
This group not active now. But it was good times.